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0 comments / Posted by Justin Schoen

How Do You Say "bielomatik" In Xtra Wide Style?

bielomatic Xtra Wide Belt Custom Printed Chrome Retractable Belt Stanchions

For more than 60 years, bielomatik has developed highly specialized machines that organizations around the world rely upon for highly efficient product solutions that incorporate superior sustainability and economic advantages.

bielomatik focuses on three core technologies that drive their engineering efforts: paper processing, plastic welding, and lubrication technology.  Examples of areas that bielomatik assists clients range from banknotes to books, transponder labels to lubrication and from tickets to fuel tanks.

The Windsor, Connecticut division of bielomatik that is utilizing the Polished Chrome Xtra Wide 3" Belt Retractable Belt Stanchions pictured above, concentrates on paper finishing, stationary manufacturing, print-finishing-on-demand, and RFIDs.




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