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0 comments / Posted by Justin Schoen

The Stanchion Oscar Makes Even The Most Famous Celebrities Grin From Ear to Ear

Sure the red velour stanchion rope with polished chrome snap end got a TON of television time thanks to the E! Mani-Cam:

(Kristin Chenoweth's hand modeling shown here with stanchion rope in the background)

And yes, the flat top polished chrome red carpet rope stanchions and red velour stanchion rope dominated the red carpet entrance to the Dolby Theatre:

(The stunning Cate Blanchett, stanchions and ropes in the background)

But the internet highlight of the 2014 Academy Awards was the selfie camera photo taken by Bradley Cooper.  The picture broke internet traffic records and was rumored to have shut Twitter down briefly!  

Now Pro Stanchions knows that $85,000 swag bags will make almost anyone smile, but what was it that made the celebrities in the famed Oscar selfie smile so brightly?  The pure awesome power of the Stanchion Oscar of course.  See for yourself:


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